We can learn a lot from Ants.

That right… we can learn a lot from ants.  Not Aunts, but those little bugs you can burn with a magnifying glass (which I never did when I was a child).  Exploring new opportunities, new paths doesn’t have to be an “all in” kind of thing where you abandon the familiar to blaze a new trail.  There are Ants who have the job of leaving the trail to search for new opportunities.  They mark the trail so they can find their way back if it is a dead end, but if the mission is successful they send out a pheromone that communicates to the rest of the group what they found and the correct tools to take advantage of the situation.  Those workers then follow the trail left and the whole group benefits.  We can do the same thing.  Experiment with things that are innovative and excellent, take small steps and if the first step is successful, take another.  Some experiments have failed, and others have turned into profitable niches for me.

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